Vision, Values and Aims

Our School Vision

We aspire to be a fully inclusive learning community aiming for the highest standards of individual achievement in work, life and play.

To realise this vision staff have the responsibility to uphold the nurturing ethos of our school community and to ensure that the rights of every child are met in everything we do.

Our School Values

Our vision is based on the shared values of Honesty, Equality, A Caring Attitude, Respect and Trust.


Our School Aims

Our school aims are designed to ensure that all pupils have a firm foundation for lifelong learning and that they can participate fully and successfully in an open society.

Learning:  To ensure that each pupil is provided with experiences which are active, relevant, engaging, challenging and promote independence.  (Article 28, 12, 15, 31)*

Teaching:  To ensure that all teaching is of the highest possible quality and matched to individual pupil need.  (Article 42)

Inclusion:  To ensure that all members of our school community are valued equally and treated with respect, promoting positive attitudes towards social and cultural diversity.  (Article 3, 14, 23)

Leadership:  To promote the shared vision and values of Mill O’Forest and create an ethos of high expectations in which all staff and pupils work together to ensure continuous improvement.  (Article 15)

Achievement: To ensure that all members of our school community are encouraged to achieve all they can and that such achievements are recognised and celebrated.  (Article 29)

Health and Wellbeing: To ensure the physical, social, mental and emotional health and wellbeing of pupils and staff.  (Article 24)

Partnership:  To seek out opportunities for parents and all members of the school and wider community to be involved in the life of the school. (Article 18)

Reflection:  To create a whole school culture of self evaluation focussing on improvement.  (Article 12, 13)

*The articles referred to relate to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Thus through the partnership of parents/carers, pupils and staff working together, maximum opportunity occurs for the intellectual, emotional and social development of all.